Saturday, 19 October 2013

A walk at 'Queens Wood' on a Saturday

Today we went to a lovely arboretum called Queens wood, it's just north of Hereford
and at this time of the year it's gorgeous as all the leaves are turning. They have a large
selection of Acers and monkeypuzzles and all all sorts really..hence it being an arboretum, 

We went with Tim and his sister, along with Tim's mums' dogs Buck and Spike,
which you will see in the pics, Spike is a border terrier and Buck is a fell terrier (mix of border and patterdale terriorist)

                   Buckarooooooooooo!                                                   (and again)
                                  Peanut and Spike                                                  Spike the great!

Me getting a bear hug in amongst the Redwoods (Peanut not looking too amused!)

It got a bit rainy towards the end of the walk but that was ok, Peanut had quite a bit of off-lead time and is currently curled up asleep in the chair, lot's of Children about  screaming) as you would expect and he did great, and ignored all of them :) Also greeted a Scotty dog very nicely,  and generally made me feel good! 

The only negative point about the place is that there is a large road running near some parts of the wood, which isn't fenced, so I would advise clipping your dog on the leash at those points (I think there is no fence so the deer can roam) 

AND there is a nice cafe and shop but no dogs allowed :(

bedraggled Peanut snoozing post walk!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

A warm hello!

Hello! Welcome to my blog, well, Peanuts' blog I guess. I've wanted to make this site for a while as I'm sure there are only so many Peanut statuses people on Facebook can take, so am re-directing them here.

Hopefully I will be using this as a (daily/weekly) diary, so I can document things that happen to us day to day on our walks, at home, and in general day to day life. 

Please excuse my less than perfect spelling and grammar, especially as I will most likely be posting later in the evening as Christmas card illustration season seems to be in full flow, not that I'm complaining.  

I also hope that this will be a place where Saluki/hound owners can discuss experiences and perhaps organize get togethers, as it is always great to see our super speedy fur babies in the company of other houndy friends whizzing around!

Jessica and a sleepy Peanut xxx